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This is followed by anger discount 20 mg tadalafil with visa vasculogenic erectile dysfunction causes, then by a bargaining stage buy cheap tadalafil 10 mg erectile dysfunction red 7, which in turn evolves into depression, and finally into acceptance. Family and close friends also go through this adjustment process, and children may follow suit in their own way. As grieving evolves into depression in the newly diagnosed per- son with MS, it may be accompanied by loss of sleep, change of appetite, and feelings of despondency. This sequence results from decreased self-esteem; changes in self-image, life plans, goals, and values; and frequently a fear of rejection by family and friends. Resolution of these feelings is hoped for at the end of the cycle, accompanied by the feeling of peace that comes with the under- standing that life must go on. David Welch (personal communication) has observed the following stages of development in understanding MS: 1. Implicit in this admission is that from that moment on all relationships will in some way be altered. The disease requires the subordination of some things to the requirements of others. The element of stress is constant throughout all phas- es of the adjustment process. Its effect on the actual demyelination process is unclear, but in all likelihood stress does not increase demyelination. A flare-up of MS symptoms in a person under stress is not a true exacerbation caused by increasing demyelination, despite the fact that stress clearly enhances the symptoms caused by demyeli- nation. The brain has remarkable powers to compensate for the effects The brain has remarkable powers to compensate for the effects of disease, but it often loses this ability when one is under stress. The person with MS therefore will appear to have increased symptoms and problems, which may in turn lead to more stress. Under normal conditions, stress usually forces one to change and readjust one’s outlook. However, the chronic stress that accom- panies a disease such as MS may instead result in continued decom- pensation and maladaptation. This only perpetuates the stress, and the stress–illness relationship becomes quite complicated. Rather, a loss of 138 CHAPTER 22 • Adapting to Multiple Sclerosis self-esteem brought on by the perceived loss of physical function leads to mourning these losses, which in turn results in the devel- opment of personality traits that may be perceived as very different from those of the "predisease" state. It is important to understand that MS is actually a disease of the central nervous system, which includes the brain. That means that the MS process by itself will change the biochemistry of the brain. This may result in what appear to be emotional changes, but that are really biochemical changes that result in a change in feelings and behavior. Because these are neurochemical they usually require neurochemical treatment with antidepressents or similar agents. They require some skill on the part of the physician to understand and use the proper medications. They require understanding by the person with MS that a problem exists and that it needs help. All to often the person does not see or feel the difference and the family has to point out how differently she is behaving. Very occasionally, the bulk of the demyelination associated with MS occurs within the brain, and intellect ("smartness") actually decreases. Emotional lability is the hallmark of this type of disease, with inappropriate episodes of crying and/or laughing.
In addition buy 5mg tadalafil amex erectile dysfunction protocol video, during acute attacks of MS effective 5 mg tadalafil diabetic erectile dysfunction icd 9 code, it has been observed that cognitive performance – memory and concentration, for example – may get significantly worse and then improve again; on the other hand, if the cognitive problems have arisen gradually and have been present for some time, then it is unlikely that they will improve substantially. To avoid possible uncertainties, concerns or perhaps even recriminations, you should seek an objective assessment of any cognitive problems, if possible with a referral to a clinical psychologist, or more specifically to a neuropsychologist – usually from your neurologist. Professional opinions Until the results of recent research, many GPs and neurologists did not consider cognitive symptoms to be a major issue in relation to MS. Because the understanding and use of language is quite good in people with MS, in a single or occasional interview or consultation, it may be hard for a doctor to pick up more subtle but still important cognitive prob- lems. As we have suggested, it is far more likely that those who are with you, and see you everyday, will notice these things first. People with MS have found that cognitive problems can be one of the main reasons why they have to go into residential care or why they become unemployed. Tests Formally, the range and extent of any cognitive problems can be measured and monitored through what are known as ‘neuropsycho- logical tests’, usually given by a psychologist. They would involve some verbal and written tests focusing on things like your memory and your ability to solve problems of various kinds. These tests are becoming more sophisticated and you may be given a group (often called a ‘battery’) of tests that could take perhaps an hour or more to do. Your performance on these tests is then compared to those of normal healthy adults, and it is assumed that, unless there are other explanations, a much lower performance on one or more tests is due to MS. These tests are only given routinely in some clinical centres at present and, because this is still one of the developing areas of research and clinical practice in MS, you may need to attend specialist centres to obtain such an assessment. Because some medications may affect your performance in tests, you should make the person who is testing you aware of what medication you are currently taking. For example, many of the tests used for people with MS require a degree of coordination and manual dexterity, and this may be compromised by other effects of MS. Also, a problem in one area of cognition can affect performance in a test in an unrelated area, or it may be difficult to compare tests involving spoken responses with tests involving written or manual responses. Emotional state Your emotional state may affect your cognitive performance, but the exact relationship and mechanism is not yet clear. Some studies have shown that depression seems to be related to cognitive performance, and others have shown the opposite. Heat Heat, or getting hot, may affect your cognitive performance, as it may influence other symptoms from time to time. Although little research has been undertaken on heat and cognition, on the basis of research on other symptoms it would be reasonable to conclude that if, for example, your memory could have been affected in this way, it would be likely to return to normal with a reduction in the temperature. Medication Medication may also affect cognition, particularly those that have cen- tral nervous system effects, such as sedatives, tranquillizers, certain pain killers and some steroid treatments. You should be aware of this possi- bility while you are doing everyday tasks that require concentration. Cognitive problems found in MS We must re-emphasise that the variability of cognitive problems in MS is very wide, some people do not have any cognitive problems and in others they are very mild. However, for information, the sort of problems that research has revealed are as follows. This may involve problems with short- term memory – failing to remember meetings or appointments, forgetting where things are and so on. There is also some evidence that people with MS may find it harder to learn new information. There are also difficulties with what is called abstract reasoning in some people with MS – that is the capacity to work with ideas and undertake analysis or decision-making in relation to such ideas. Sometimes speed of information processing may be affected in MS – things seem to take longer to think about and do. It may be more difficult to find words, and concentration can tend to wander more readily.
The house is completed in one color (constricted use) safe tadalafil 20 mg erectile dysfunction drugs class, the tree in two (brown and green) order 20 mg tadalafil with mastercard impotence yohimbe, and the person is outlined in a pale yellow with brown belt, hair, and feet (constricted use). All items are placed one third of the way up the page, with the person to the furthest left (seeks immediate emo- tional satisfaction; concern with self and past), then the tree, and then the house. It has a large, rounded doorway (overly dependent) with a multiplic- ity of windows. The tree is to the left of the house and has a long trunk (feels constricted by and in the environment) with three branches on either side and one on top. The leaves are carefully drawn as circles emanating from the branches (clinging to nurturance, dependency issues), again very symmet- rical. The person was drawn last and is outlined in yellow so that the body is almost invisible. The client began by drawing the feet first and ended with the head (disturbance in interpersonal relationships, possible thought dis- order). The arms are raised in a gesture of hopelessness or a bodybuilding 134 Interpreting the Art pose. While drawing the arms the client stated, "I didn’t draw the arms very big" (critical comment regarding power and strength). There is no face in- dicated (poor interpersonal skills, withdrawal), only hair (expression of virility striving; masculinity and strength), which is drawn with quick bursts (infantile sexual drives), a midline belt on an otherwise naked figure (emotional immaturity, mother dependency, feelings of inadequacy, sexual issues), and frantically drawn large balled feet (striving for security and virility). The figure has one hand (the right) with fingers indicated, while the left hand is merely a pointed line (guilt, insecurity, difficulty dealing with the environment). When I asked him if he wanted to add any- thing, the client added windows to the bottom story of the home, includ- ing two beside the arched door. This room [pointing to window beside the door on right] is the kitchen [oral needs, need for affection]. Hebuilt it with the hopes of finding a wife and having two kids (a son and daughter).... His spontaneous comment regarding the drawn figure’s lack of strength and power is in proportion to the symbolic abun- dance of ideas that focus on emotional immaturity, dependency issues, in- security, and infantile sexual needs. Even though the tree is drawn well, the figure shows that in the environment the client desires virility and security, yet the fig- ure’s yellowed outline bespeaks of emotional and physical withdrawal. The absolute symmetry that he applied to the tree (and home) also points in the direction of the patient’s ambivalence toward intellectual or emotional satisfaction. Therefore, unable to decide, he withdraws into the comfort of an oversized and impersonal world (institutions, religion, fantasy) where his basic living and dependency needs are provided. The drawing does not indicate overt psychotic thought processing, and it would appear that the 135 Reading Between the Lines patient’s medication regime has circumscribed his delusional subsystem. He does, however, exhibit a high degree of depressive features in concert with dependency issues. However, Buck’s original design produced a richer picture of this client’s internal struggles. Although his delusional retreat was evi- dent in the adapted HTP, it was in no way as detailed with regard to inter- nal processing difficulties, especially those related to his mother in concert with his body drives. The postdrawing inquiry consequently allowed a closer scrutiny, which permits the clinician to apply a wide range of theo- retical constructs to the therapeutic hour. As we move into a comparison of the two HTPs from a quantitative ex- amination, the raw G IQ score and the good IQ score remained relatively the same (73/83 on the original and 74/80 on the adapted test). The tests differ in the net weighted score IQ (points toward the client’s potential level of functioning), with 10 less IQ points measured on the adapted pro- jective test. Taken as a whole, both tests pointed toward Borderline Intel- lectual Functioning, while the WISC-III score of 85 placed this patient in the low average range. Yet the testing that was administered when the patient was in early adulthood should not be overlooked.