By N. Ramirez. Western Maryland College.
Heroin use in Africa is perceived Treatment demand for heroin dependence remains high to be increasing across East and South-East Asia order viagra jelly 100mg online erectile dysfunction caused by radiation therapy, ranging from 50% of In 2009 cheap 100 mg viagra jelly overnight delivery prices for erectile dysfunction drugs, the annual prevalence of opiate use in Africa all treatment demand in Singapore to around 80% in was estimated at between 0. The wide range reflects missing data from most parts of the Opiate use remains low in the Middle East continent. Heroin remains the main opiate used in The opiate prevalence rate remains low in countries in Africa, but there are reports of common non-medical the Middle East, with heroin being the main opiate use of prescription opioids in some countries. Among the limited countries reporting mortality data, opiates were also ranked as the 60 58 main substance group responsible for drug-related 47 50 deaths. The proportions of injecting drug users consuming heroin are, however, still substantially lower than in 36 Rainsford, C. While (ha),* 2005-2010 Afghanistan continued to account for the bulk of the * For Mexico, in the absence of data for 2010, the estimate for cultivation, some 123,000 ha, increased cultivation in 2009 was imputed to 2010. In the 3-year period since 2007, opium cultivation in 250,000 Afghanistan has actually declined, although it remains at high levels. In 2006, opium poppy cultiva- 200,000 tion in Myanmar was 21,500 ha; the lowest since 1996. In addition to 150,000 Myanmar, opium cultivation increased by almost 60% in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic in 2010, 100,000 although it remains at a low level. A 2010 estimate for opium poppy cultivation in Mexico 50,000 was not available at the time of writing. Therefore, the 2009 estimate was used to calculate the total global cul- 0 tivation in 2010. Overall, in the last five years, global opium poppy culti- In contrast to the other countries mentioned above, vation has increased by some 40%. In 2009, the Mexican ments of Afghanistan, Myanmar and the Lao People’s Government reported eradication of almost 15,000 ha Democratic Republic. Although increases in cultivation (and Shan State, in the eastern part of the country. At 3,000 opium yield) in other countries led to an increase in ha in 2010, opium poppy cultivation in the Lao People’s potential opium production outside Afghanistan, this Democratic Republic was higher than in any year since did not offset Afghanistan’s decrease. However, opium 2005, and has increased significantly since the lowest production may increase if the opium yield returns to level (1,500 ha) in 2007. Cultivation seems to be increas- ingly concentrated in a few provinces in the northern Fig. A considerable level 4,000 of illegal cultivation is estimated in India, as domestic 3,000 raw opium consumption and half of domestic heroin 2,000 demand are met by local production. Information on estimation methodologies and defi- nitions can be found in the Methodology chapter of this Report. These gross figures are not directly comparable to the net figures pre- sented in this table. Starting 2008, a new methodology was introduced to estimate opium poppy cultivation and opium/heroin production in these countries. These estimates are higher than the previous figures but have a similar order of magnitude. A detailed description of the estimation methodology is available in the Methodology section. Eradication reported as plant seizures can be found in the seizure annex of the electronic version of the World Drug Report.
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